1/3 Residence Group - 屋敷 i Chiyoda-ku

Japan1/3 Residence Group - 屋敷


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Japan, 〒101-0021 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Sotokanda, 3 Chome−7−8
kontakter telefon: +81 50-3136-5165
internet side: www.1-3rd.com
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Latitude: 35.7041051, Longitude: 139.7725181

kommentar 5

  • Luke Williams

    Luke Williams


    Large serviced apartments in Akihabara, great value and staff. Note check in is at The 1/3rd Cafe and Bar

  • Davy Zhang

    Davy Zhang


    we checked in at their cafe and then took a short walk to the actual room on another street. room is pretty small but that was as expected. nothing out of the ordinary but nothing to complain about either.

  • en

    matthew earley


    The place was very convenient. It was next to metro station. It had great maid service. It had a refrigerator, laundry machine, and several plates and cups. The wireless network was not very consistent though.

  • Varan Okul

    Varan Okul


    No elevator to upper floor japanese room, and also no fridge! The rest is good, spacious room with separate bath and toilet. Easy to access to metro ginza line and JR Akiba/Okachimachi

  • Eric Tang

    Eric Tang


    1/3 Residence guest room is clean and spacious (in relative to Japan). Hotel staff are helpful but not on the same building, they are 5 mins walk away. But it does not have an elevator. It's a big challenge for family staying in 5th level. It's 15 mins walk from JR line for young family. WiFi for our room was very patchy. It does not allow food in the guest room.

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