Waseda Sta. i Shinjuku

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Japan, 〒162-0042 Tokyo, Shinjuku, Wasedamachi
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-3209-6994
Hjemmeside: www.tokyometro.jp
Latitude: 35.7058334, Longitude: 139.7209686
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Kommentar 5

  • Max Levy

    Max Levy


    The is only one elevator at the station - will take you to a platform where the trains towards Kagurazaka depart - the last car that is. Luckily the toilet is right there! To access the opposite direction one needs to walk down the stairs, pass beneath the line and climb back. The platforms have no security barriers, so make sure to hold hands with your kids.

  • Philipp Koch

    Philipp Koch


    Quite an old station, nothing special. When entering, you might arrive at the wrong side and going to the opposite platform is a pain. I didn’t notice any elevators - but there might be one hidden somewhere.

  • Asenshi HS

    Asenshi HS


    Nice station with exits to the 2 main streets 6 April 2017

  • London Flareon Huntley

    London Flareon Huntley


    Loved it.

  • Michael Kuryshev

    Michael Kuryshev


    Nice station, appreciate it pls

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