JA Kochi Hospital w Nankoku

JaponiaJA Kochi Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒783-8509 Kochi, Nankoku, Myōken, 字中野526−1
kontakt telefon: +81 88-863-2181
strona internetowej: www.kouseiren.ja-kochi.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.570077, Longitude: 133.623071

komentarze 5

  • toyohito w

    toyohito w


    This is a review as of 2024/09. The reservation system is very disappointing. It may only be during pediatric appointments, but... I need to make a phone reservation at 1:30pm on a Friday, a few days after my appointment, but I can't get through on the phone at all. The phone is always busy, probably because other patients are also calling to make reservations. Furthermore, after being connected to the representative receptionist, I was asked to connect to the pediatrics department, but the person in charge of pediatrics was also on another phone line and could not be connected. Finally, I was asked to call again after some time. I don't have that much free time either. Countermeasures are needed, such as making the next appointment available at the end of each visit, making online reservations, and increasing the number of telephone lines. This is a great shame because the hospital is excellent and the service is not bad.

  • b m

    b m


    I made an appointment at 11:00 and the examination started after 12:30. There's no point in making a reservation. I'm just here to get medicine, so I want it to be quick.

  • 辺


    At 9 o'clock, there were only about 5 people waiting at the internal medicine reception desk, so I thought, "Thank goodness," and waited. 1 hour, 1 and a half hours. I thought that was odd, so I asked about it. They told me as if it were normal that there was someone with a reservation, so I wouldn't have to wait another 3 hours. Other hospitals are busy today, so you may have to wait quite a while. Is your time okay? I was asked, but I had something to do after lunch, so I had to wait.In the end, I couldn't make it in time for my business, so I couldn't see the doctor. I'm not a lazy person either, so I wanted to say something first. After finishing my errands, I decided to go to another hospital. If it's crowded, say something first. I don't know if it's normal or not, but I'm not a regular here, so I don't know.

  • 浜田香



    Otorhinolaryngology I came because my throat was swollen and I needed antibiotics. I was told that I couldn't give it to you unless I took a camera. Last time I took the camera, I got a bloody nose and got a bloody nose, so If I say no, it will be like a slight rebuke. So what medicine do you want? That's what they ask me. I don't know what to do, so I asked for a medicine that would reduce the swelling. , They said that they wouldn't give anything unless there was a camera. It's not a laboratory table.

  • ゆかさん



    When I returned home to give birth, I was under the care of an obstetrics and gynecology department, and during the ultrasound examination, the size of my head, abdomen, and thighs was measured, and the examination was over immediately. You cannot see your face or movements. Also, since there is no specific explanation, I cannot tell you about the baby's condition. You will only receive one echo photo of which I am not sure what part it is. It's my first time giving birth, so I'm worried about a lot of things, but the doctor's voice is low and not friendly, so it's hard to listen and I feel like she's being unkind. At the maternity hospital before I went home, they let me take an echo video and explained things to me in detail, so I'm very disappointed that I moved here. Honestly, I don't want to go to the doctor anymore. .

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