Hotel Grand Palace i Chiyoda-ku

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Japan, 〒102-0072 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Iidabashi, 1丁目1−1
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-3264-1111
Latitude: 35.6973717, Longitude: 139.7501314
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Kommentar 5

  • Yaroslav Samoylenko

    Yaroslav Samoylenko


    Visited here for a few nights while on a trip through Japan. The staff was very helpful. We were able to drop off the luggage in advance of checking in. Check in was at 2:00PM. The space has a few touches of modern tech such as the cellphone you can take with you with unlimited internet and calling. Would recommend to travelers making their way through Japan.

  • Joan Lee

    Joan Lee


    Good service, spacious and comfortable room and high quality toiletries. Quiet and peaceful neighbourhood with good accessibility to public transportation with many convenient stores and restaurants. Enjoyed our stay.

  • Lois Nosker

    Lois Nosker


    The rooms were great and the staff were very helpful. It was pretty central to everything we wanted to see. It was easy to get to the metro as well.

  • Sakanashi T

    Sakanashi T


    l went to crown lounge which is located 23F in Hotel Grand Palace in Tokyo yesterday. l enjoyed party plan with my classmate twelve member. We drunk bear,wine.whisky.and We had several good taste food.l spent very comfortable 3 hour times in there.its nice fine view! very good. thank-you.

  • Kaman Kwok

    Kaman Kwok


    This hotel is value for money with the great services and convenient location. It is accessible with 3 subway lines and there is a direct airport limo bus right at the hotel which is hassle free to get to airport esp. when you have many luggage. We stayed in their refurbished room which is clean and comfortable. I would definitely recommend this hotel!

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