@home cafe ドンキ店(@ほぉ〜むカフェ) i Chiyoda-ku

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Japan, 〒101-0021 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Sotokanda, 4 Chome−3−3 ドンキホーテ秋葉原店 5F
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-3254-7878
Hjemmeside: www.cafe-athome.com
Latitude: 35.70083, Longitude: 139.771849
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Kommentar 5

  • Alice Mola

    Alice Mola


    Had an amazing experience with Pikapi and Arthur 💚 Both so sweet and accommodating, make sure you come right when they open to get the most personal experience. All the girls are kind, but a little apprehensive to approach foreigners so if you speak Japanese, use it!

  • Fabian Domeisen

    Fabian Domeisen


    Was a diffrent experience but definitly lovely as long as they feel good about wjat theyre doing im in for it:)




    The maids.... They were so kind and nice. I will never forget this memory!

  • Sten Edwards

    Sten Edwards


    Always love @Home. Much nicer and more friendly than MaiDreamin. You don't feel as though you're talking to a robot like you do at some other cafes. It's not so heavily scripted, just casual and fun!

  • Paul Harris

    Paul Harris


    Looked forward to going here. The four (4) stars is for one of the cute, perky hostesses (an American from on of the US bases) that greeted us at the door in her cute little cos-play outfit. We were hungry and small cute-see portions wasn't going to make it and we told her so. She honestly said this was not the place for us at this time. Looking forward to going in next time when "I'm" not so hungry.

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