Amphibious Reptile House i Taitō-ku

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Japan, 〒110-0007 Tōkyō-to, Taitō-ku, 台東区上野公園9−83
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-3828-5171
Latitude: 35.7135003, Longitude: 139.768732
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Kommentar 5

  • Briggs Jourdan

    Briggs Jourdan


    Glorious reptiles that were made quite visible by their environments, lots of different animals and a strong walking Komodo dragon graced us with its movements. Situated within the Ueno Zoo for a humid and warm contrast to the winter temperatures outside, it's a nice animal exhibit.

  • Isays Sampesule

    Isays Sampesule


    Have a good family time here, get a great experience.

  • Sara Borremans

    Sara Borremans


    Good balie for money. Ever heard about flying squirrels, mole rats or kangaroo rats? You can see them here!

  • Saskia TN

    Saskia TN


    Very crowded on weekends. Typical zoo with animals in their cages. There's a childrens area with a monorail even

  • Fernand Arioja

    Fernand Arioja


    so sad seeing animals being caged. they are so thin, most probably because they are not on their natural habitat. But I guess putting some animals in the zoo to satisfy people's eyes is better than letting human kind roam to wild, just to see these beautiful creatures, thus destroying mother earth more. sacrifice one animal for the betterment of their species. these animals are heroes! and humans does not deserve them!

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