足利銀行 鹿沼支店 w Kanuma

Japonia足利銀行 鹿沼支店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
1544 Ishibashichō, Kanuma, Tochigi 322-0055, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 289-64-2171
strona internetowej: www.ashikagabank.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.563236, Longitude: 139.746163

komentarze 5

  • ななとも



    Ashikaga Bank Kanuma Branch is a branch of Ashikaga Bank located in Kanuma City, Tochigi Prefecture. When I visited the Ashikaga Bank Kanuma branch, I was impressed by the kind customer service. Additionally, the atmosphere inside the store was calm and I was able to conduct transactions with peace of mind. What particularly impressed me was the response from the person in charge at the counter. He answered my questions politely and clearly. I was also very happy that even after my work was finished, she always told me to call her if I needed anything. The atmosphere inside the store was very calm and gave me a good impression. The wood-grained walls and furniture create a warm atmosphere. There are also sofas in the store, so you can relax and conduct your transactions. I felt that Ashikaga Bank Kanuma Branch was an excellent branch in many respects, including ease of transactions and friendly customer service. If you have the opportunity to use a bank in Kanuma City, why not try Ashikaga Bank Kanuma Branch?

  • _airisu_あいりす



    If there are many items you want to process, it is better to draw several numbered tickets. For loans, transfers, and account opening (online banking), the counter and the seat in the back seem to be in different departments, so if you only have one ticket, your turn will be skipped, so you won't be able to tell the counter yourself that you've completed this procedure. and will be put on the back burner. Please be careful. . .

  • ツカコシ良行



    My elderly mother is using it.The parking lot is small and I always feel that there is no need for a covered space (other than for bicycle parking).I need to reconsider making the outside barrier-free!

  • t0m0



    At other banks, you often have to exchange money at the counter, but Ashigin has a valuable exchange machine, so I'm very grateful that I can exchange money easily and freely! I also thought it was wonderful that they were paying close attention to the comings and goings of the customers, and that they always said thank you every time.

  • ツノダユウコ



    The staff's customer service was impeccable. There is a feeling of being kind and polite. Your smile is beautiful.

najbliższy Bank

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