自家焙煎珈琲工房ロッシュ in 北九州市




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小倉北区船場町5-7, 北村ビル1F, 5 船場町 小倉北区 北九州市 福岡県 802-0007, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 93-981-0115
webseite: www.facebook.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.8833347, Longitude: 130.8782711

kommentare 5

  • lover trip

    lover trip


    A delicious coffee shop. It's calm and has a retro feel. The master is quiet and his wife seems like a nice person. I ordered my favorite strong bitterness and low acidity coffee and Wiener coffee. It has a rich and solid taste. This goes without saying, but it varies depending on the bean, so I think it's a good idea to consult with the store staff. They serve it in a cup that matches the coffee. Cups and saucers are lined up on the shelves of the store, and they are also stylish. The cake is said to be handmade. Both chocolate cake and cheesecake are delicious! The sweetness of the cake and the bitterness of the coffee were amazing! The store is not very large, so you won't want to stay long. I immediately went home after having coffee and cake. Izutsuya is right in front of me, and it has an unassuming exterior, so I wonder if this is a good place to start? That's what I thought. On the other side is a European children's clothing store.

  • Poi poi Hopp

    Poi poi Hopp


    This is a cozy and quiet self-roasting Nell-drip cafe located between Kokura Castle and Kokura Station. The store is small, but it feels cozy rather than stuffy. You can choose from 3 types of coffee: light, medium, and strong. The owner carefully brews the coffee and selects a cup according to the customer, which is fun.

  • Bin K

    Bin K


    Good handdrip. I love it. I will visit here again

  • Ken Nagamatsu

    Ken Nagamatsu


    Great drip coffee!

  • Dale Wark (dmizer)

    Dale Wark (dmizer)


    Incredibly good coffee roasted and brewed by a master.

nächste Cafe

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