äø­čÆćƒ€ć‚¤ćƒ‹ćƒ³ć‚° 青冄 w Fukuyama

Japoniaäø­čÆćƒ€ć‚¤ćƒ‹ćƒ³ć‚° 青冄



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-1 Funamachi, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 720-0043, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81
strona internetowej: ching-ming.furec.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 34.4872909, Longitude: 133.3671893

komentarze 5

  • Y M

    Y M


    I visited for lunch on my day off. I was very satisfied with the delicious, high-class Chinese food I was able to enjoy at a reasonable price.

  • ć‚ˆć£ć—ćƒ¼



    The gomoku yakisoba and mapo tofu here are delicious and I keep coming back! Being able to eat the taste inherited from Chen Kenmin, the father of Chen Kenichi who popularized mapo tofu in Japan, in Fukuyama is valuable in itself, but the price is also reasonable, which makes me very satisfied. If it's like this store in Tokyo, I think you can afford about 1.5 to 2 times more. The atmosphere of the restaurant is calm, and I would like to use it for a variety of occasions, such as family gatherings and business dinners. The photo is Mapo Ramen, which will be available for a limited time in the fall! This is so delicious that I wish it would be on the regular menu āœØšŸ™

  • 恓ćÆć‚‹ę—„å’Œ



    The tables and partitions were well placed, creating a comfortable atmosphere even when you were alone. The wait staff were polite and the food was brought out in a timely manner ā˜ŗļø The ingredients in the dish were large, the seafood was plump, and the flavor was neither too strong nor too weak, and it was just the right amount of deliciousness. The dessert that came with lunch was apricot tofu, which usually only comes with a little bit, but it had a lot of it and had a creamy and mellow tastešŸ˜‹šŸ’“ If you come to Fukuyama and want to eat Chinese food, we definitely recommend this place šŸ’“

  • tomikichi



    It was the most cost-effective tasting event where you could enjoy dishes made with plenty of high-quality ingredients, from spiny lobster to shark fin to Shanghai crab, at relatively reasonable prices. I was particularly impressed by the Shaoxing wine braised beef tongue, which had a crumbly texture and the delicious flavor of Shaoxing wine. It's said to be simmered for about 6 hours, and pairs perfectly with 15-year-old Shaoxing wine. For the first time, I found Shaoxing wine, which I had always had a dislike for, to be delicious. This was my first tasting event, but I would like to visit again next year.

  • H. Y.

    H. Y.


    Ordered mapo tofu lunch. Even though it's a high-class restaurant, the lunch is reasonably priced and I'm happy. It was a delicious mapo that was not spicy but fragrant. The white rice is well-cooked, the shumai, fried chicken, and salad are all good, and the almond tofu is really delicious. It's a very nice store with polite customer service. I'll come back later. Next time I'll probably try the ankake yakisoba.

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