中国銀行 新市支店 w Fukuyama

Japonia中国銀行 新市支店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Shinichi-593-7 Shinichichō, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 729-3103, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 847-52-3310
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.55461, Longitude: 133.27081

komentarze 3

  • 団塊世代



    Last year, when my fixed deposit was due to expire, I contacted the branch in advance to complete the cancellation procedure, and when I visited the branch, I was asked persistently for a long time what the money would be used for, and when I mentioned the cost of renovating my home, they just said that they had been waiting for this. It was really frustrating for me to have to bring the contract, quotation, etc. even though it was my own money. Of course, the driver's license has been verified, and there are many incidents in the world. I fully understand that, but a case like this one is a little strange. It's not too much Shall we do it? Consider this to be an issue for the entire organization, not just one person. Well then I'm going to go to the bank, but do fixed deposits belong to the bank? Does it belong to the depositor? please tell me. Please tell me the legal basis for not withdrawing money unless I bring the estimate and contract when paying the maturity fee. In the case of deposits in drawers, how can I prove them?Are deposits in drawers prohibited? Responsible person, Waiting for a reply from those involved? I will never go to your bank again in the future. I will never make a fixed deposit again. It's stiff. I am angry at the Bank of China, which so casually gets on the nerves of good deposit users and feels nothing towards them. I think there is a way to say things when it comes to cooperation! Isn't that common sense? What about Bank of China?

  • M T

    M T


    It's strange that the parking lot is crowded even though there are no people in the store, and the employees are very polite and likable.

  • 河村保司



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