äø­å›½ę–™ē†å››å·åœ’ w Iwaki




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Tatsumichō-1-26 Onahama, Iwaki, Fukushima 971-8101, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 246-52-1567
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 36.9473134, Longitude: 140.9077179

komentarze 5

  • 恭恓



    When I have something to do in Onahama, I always eat here. This time, I ordered gyoza and gomoku fried rice. The gyoza are really delicious! ! It's 5 pieces for 600 yen, but one is too big so it's too cheap! The meat is so juicy that you don't have to put too much in it, and the skin is chewy. it's recommended! This was my first time eating Gomoku fried rice, and it was moist with a rich flavor.

  • Eup Hiro

    Eup Hiro


    I ordered gomoku yakisoba and gyoza, but both tasted very bad. Why are quail eggs cold? I imagined the gyoza to be piping hot, and when I brought it to my mouth, it was warm. . . No gravy either. It was my first time eating something like this at a Chinese restaurant. Isn't the pricing a little too high? It's cheaper and tastier than chain stores. Small flies were flying around my food and I lost interest in eating it so I left it behind. P.S.: The photo shows ankake yakisoba from this restaurant and a certain Chinese restaurant in Koriyama. You can tell which one looks delicious just by looking at it.

  • n t (ćŖćŠć”ć‚ƒć‚“)

    n t (ćŖćŠć”ć‚ƒć‚“)


    ā– Store name Sichuan garden ā– Place Onahama *No nearest station ā– Budget 1000-1999 yen ā– Menu ordered 惻Mabo tofu bowl Ā·chinese dumpling ----- Iwaki business trip DAY1. Visited after 8pm on weekdays. Near Aeon Mall in Onahama. It's located a little far from the bar district, along the main street, but this is the only restaurant open. Being a port town, many of the bars close once you leave the bar district. I visited a traditional Chinese restaurant in my hometown. Inside the store, 4-seater table x 3. 6-seater table x 1 Multiple counter seats. It's a bit pricey, but it doesn't feel expensive at all because you get the same amount of food. Even though it's a weekday, there are solo customers and groups of customers, so it seems to be quite busy. The above is what I ordered this time. >Mabo tofu bowl Although it is Sichuan-style, the spiciness is kept to a minimum, and the filling is quite thick. Personally, I like the fact that the sansho pepper is well-balanced and not too peppery. The portion is large and is enough for two people to eat. It's perfect for those who are hungry. Although it is called Sichuan-style, mapo tofu is my personal favorite because it has a seasoning that suits the Japanese palate. The soup that comes with it tastes like pork. I think it's pork based. I thought the ramen would also be delicious. >Gyoza Large size. The size is slightly larger than a soy sauce plate. Sorry it's hard to tell from the photo lol. There's plenty of ground meat and the meat juices are overflowing. The seasoning is strong and the vegetables have a good balance of sweetness. It looks great as dim sum and goes well with alcohol! that's all. Next time I would like to eat noodles. Because I think the soup is delicious! Thank you for the meal. I'll come back later. Before posting:3.20

  • ć”ć‚ƒć—



    It was delicious. The oil in the multi-pot meat is smooth and has a nice aftertaste. It was a set meal that I wanted to have for lunch or dinner. Later, we had Dandan noodles and gyoza. This was also exceptional. Tandan noodles have a lot of ground meat and the noodles are a little hard. Personally, I found the taste and texture to be a perfect match. The gyoza was packed with stuffing, and the seasoning was so delicious that it couldn't be found anywhere else! This is the restaurant you should visit first when eating Chinese food in Onahama. Please check it out for yourself (^^)




    The green pepper meat paste eaten while drinking Shaoxing wine was exquisite. The fried gyoza and boiled gyoza tasted so-so. The jellyfish is a large cut, so it has a good texture and I order it every time. However, the taste is a little bland. Wouldn't it be more delicious if you used a little more black vinegar and added some sugar? Spring rolls are also very delicious, but instead of just adding ketchup, I think it would be better to add a blend of sesame oil, chili oil, or mustard. The shrimp ramen has lots of big, plump shrimp, and the soup is refreshing and delicious with the shrimp stock. The thinness and hardness of the noodles are just right.

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