中川駅前歯科クリニック i Yokohama




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Japan, 〒224-0001 Kanagawa, Yokohama, Tsuzuki Ward, Nakagawa, 1-chōme−10−2 中川センタービル2階
kontakter telefon: +81 45-910-2277
internet side: www5.famille.ne.jp
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Latitude: 35.5629578, Longitude: 139.5702391

kommentar 5

  • 荒井隆子



    I received a second opinion. I had heard at my previous clinic that root canal treatment was difficult, so when I checked it out, she seemed confident and said, ``It's basic,'' so I decided to come here... However, on two occasions I was unable to bear the pain after treatment and had to call the doctor first thing the next morning to receive urgent treatment. A similar thing happened and I called him early in the morning, but he was busy talking to me and I couldn't talk to him. What if? I found out that if I tried calling from two different phones (family phones, etc.), it would connect. I think the policy is for patients who are in pain to not answer the phone, which is a nuisance (I know it's true!). I believed that the homepage was complete and the customer service was friendly. I am sorry that you have been treated so poorly.

  • やまぴょん



    I had a pain in the back of my tooth, so I decided to see a dentist. I chose this clinic, which is an hour away from my home, because I wanted to save my nerves. In the end, this clinic didn't really understand the cause of the pain, so after having my tooth treated for a different type of cavity, I went to a nearby clinic and found out that the root (bone) of my tooth had melted. When I went to another hospital and had a CT scan done, it was discovered that the bone had melted and there was a hole that looked like it was about 5mm wide. I was surprised to see it. What do you mean you can't find a problem like this? Also, perhaps because the doctor is busy, he doesn't seem to take me seriously, as if he doesn't know what to do after fixing the painful area. When I was going to the hospital, I was told that it would be a good idea to remove tartar from my teeth at my company's dental checkup, but the doctor didn't approve. Less than a month after the treatment, another problem occurred, and when I went to another nearby clinic, other cavities were found. We also had tartar removed from the teeth after the treatment. The treatment itself isn't bad, but it doesn't feel very good. I will never go there again.

  • 七


    Because my mother was taking medication for osteoporosis, the local dentist clinic told her they couldn't remove her tooth, and even though she went to the clinic, she didn't have any intention of treating it? Is it? Is there no way to do it? As I was being dragged out, my tooth started to hurt more and more and I was unable to eat, which was very bothersome. I saw Director Ninomiya's blog on the internet, and when I contacted him via email, he replied that he would be able to examine me (although it's a bit far from my home), and I was able to visit him right away. The tooth was successfully extracted, a partial denture was made, and I am now able to eat properly. I am very grateful to the director and the teachers who took care of me. I want the nearby dental clinic that has been delaying treatment even though it can't even be properly treated to close down immediately (angry).

  • Aki Matsuzaki

    Aki Matsuzaki


    I had my teeth manicured. I went there for the first time because they had some dark colors. The day before the event, I rushed in to fix the noticeable difference in color between my temporary front teeth and my natural teeth. My own teeth are dark and my temporary teeth are white but have a strong yellow tinge, so they carefully took the time to do trial and error to get them close to that color, and they ended up with almost the same color! Other salons have told me that it is better not to apply nail polish to temporary teeth because it won't come off well.If you can apply nail polish to temporary teeth, it will be easier to match the color, but if you only apply it to your own teeth, it is difficult to match the color. I was told at another store that it would be difficult, but since they had yellow and dark colors, I rushed in with hope and it turned out to be a great decision. I'm really thankful to you! It saved me~. He treated me with care and helped me more than I paid for, so I would have paid twice as much! I wrote a review as a thank you.

  • Will Linden

    Will Linden


    This place is awesome. They helped me fix my cankersore problem. They accept Insurance:)

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