忠庵 w Kawaguchi




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-5-17 Higashikawaguchi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 333-0801, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 48-446-6139
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.8796009, Longitude: 139.7400612

komentarze 5

  • Kazuo suzuki

    Kazuo suzuki


    I had some business to go to Higashi Urawa, and when I googled what soba noodles were like at lunchtime, I found Chuan, the owner of Juwari Soba. Isn't there a parking lot? It was around 1:30pm on a Friday, but the first floor was full and I was guided to the second floor. I ordered the shrimp tempura and soba set for ¥1400. When I added the non-alcoholic version, it came with chicken skin ponzu sauce. The food was served in about 15 minutes, and appearance is an important word. The soba noodles are 100% thin, and the dipping sauce looks thick, but I like the sweetness! Even if you add a lot of it, it doesn't taste too salty, it's refreshing. It's just right! There are two reasonably large shrimp! A crisp and light batter is fine. Now ¥1400 is worth it. Although the noodles are thin, they are chewy and have a strong soba flavor. . . Also, you can get a second helping of soba! First experience! It's wonderful, not just half rice, but half soba instead. Thank you for the meal. Kakiage came next door, but it came with an amazing piece that was 15 or 6 centimeters thick. Women please be careful (lol)

  • -かぐやん



    A soba restaurant where you can get second helpings of Juwari Soba This time, I was sent to a separate room. The atmosphere is great and the soba noodles are delicious. This time I ordered: Soba noodles with duck soup We also recommend the dashimaki egg and tempura. Even if the parking lot is full, there is a paid parking lot nearby, so you can get by, but the designated parking lot will soon become available, so it might be a good idea to wait. I don't recommend waiting on the street as the bus will pass by.

  • MornNYtester



    We asked friend for bring us somewhere that local good soba.I’m so excited and so surprised.Here is hidden gems. I’m so happy was here.I do recommend.

  • Youhei K

    Youhei K


    2022.03 visit A very popular soba restaurant in the Higashi Kawaguchi area! There is a long wait, so I recommend going early. It's rare for soba restaurants to have a "refill" system, but you'll run out of noodle soup, so if you want more after refilling, add more noodle soup (for a fee)! Recommended is kakiage! The perfect match for Chuan's soba noodles, which are cylindrical in shape and have a large, crunchy texture. The soba noodles are firm and chewy, and the noodle soup is sweet. I'm pretty much the type of person I like, but I guess I'm picky about this. The chicken tempura bowl available only on Mondays and Tuesdays is big and delicious! The sauce is sweet, so the noodle soup is also sweet, so some people may want to eat it with salt! Although the soba is said to be 100%, it has no taste and is smooth to eat, so it seems to be suitable for everyone. The parking lot is across the street from the store! Kawaguchi City Information Site: Kawaguchi Navi!

  • 星野浩



    This soba restaurant serves special soba made from 100% buckwheat flour called "10 wari soba." And you can ask to refill on free as much as you want.

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