鉄板 べろにこ i Hirakata

Japan鉄板 べろにこ



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-1-19 Higashikōri, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0075, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 50-5485-6346
internet side: teppan-veronico.gorp.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7816, Longitude: 135.6519156

kommentar 5

  • カズ



    My family and I made a reservation and visited 😊 I ordered roast beef bowl, steak lunch, hamburger steak, and diced steak, and they were all really delicious. I've never had a hamburger steak so juicy and tender, and the steak was surprisingly tender and delicious. The price was reasonable for lunch and very satisfying. I would like to visit again!

  • ふくぴん_



    I ordered a cheese hamburger for lunch. I was able to go without a reservation. The onion soup was also very delicious with a nice consommé flavor that filled my mouth. The salad dressing had a nice flavor with an unusual curry flavor. The hamburger was soft, and when you broke it with your chopsticks, the meat juices overflowed from the inside.It went really well with the cheese, and the hamburger was piping hot and delicious until the last bite. It seems that the store does not have its own parking lot, but there is a large parking lot across the street where you can park for 200 yen for an hour, so I was able to use it. Lunch is reasonably priced, so I think it's worth going even if you pay the parking fee. Next time I would like to order the roast beef bowl.

  • イッヌ



    I ate roast beef bowl! It's a big size and I made it with wasabi mayonnaise. It's delicious and the big one costs 1,650 yen, but it's a satisfying amount and taste. The store name ``Beronico'' has an impact and is a recommended store.

  • nana color

    nana color


    This is my second time here and it's still delicious. It seems like you won't be able to get in unless you make a reservation. I happened to get in this time. The burgers are fluffy and delicious. I think it's worth eating once. There is paid parking in front.

  • Alex olson

    Alex olson


    Good place for food. The meat is great and the service is fast.

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