正直庵 i Sapporo




🕗 åbningstider

6-chōme-8-2 Ishiyamahigashi, Minami Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 005-0850, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-592-5039
internet side: syoujiki-an.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.9581519, Longitude: 141.3439556

kommentar 5

  • meganeさん



    One day, I went to Takino Forest to find a long-tailed moth. I found Seisean while passing by for lunch on the way. The store is spacious and has a Showa-era feel, but is clean. When a kind-looking mother shows me my seat, Behind the glass of the store, you can see the soba making table and stone mill. My expectations are high because it's homemade soba noodles. It was cold, so I felt like eating warm soba noodles. I ordered the Chicken Maitake Mushroom Nanban on the menu because the name intrigued me. Soba arrived in less than 10 minutes. You can tell it looks delicious just by looking at it. Chicken, maitake mushrooms, and green onions in dark soup The maitake mushrooms are loosened and the green onions are also grilled. The impression is that it is a carefully crafted cup that took a lot of effort. The soup has a sharp flavor from the dashi stock and soy sauce. The flavors of the maitake mushrooms overlap for a very nourishing and deep taste. Homemade soba noodles stand out against the rich soup. Very pleasant to eat with the aroma of soba in your mouth ,,,This is a shop I entered without knowing anything. The soba noodles here are really delicious. My companion is also eating deliciously. . Finished eating and drinking in no time. When I looked into it later, I found out that it is a 36-year-old store that was founded in 1987. A popular soba restaurant in Minami Ward, Sapporo. Freshly made soba noodles ground in the store's stone mill. The soup stock is made by shaving the bonito flakes, The ingredients are also carefully selected, including free-range chicken and organic vegetables. I can understand the effort they took to break up the Maitake mushrooms and serve them. I don't really like soba noodles, but The soba noodles here were exceptionally delicious. It was a shop I happened to stop by as I was passing by. The soba noodles were delicious and made me want to come back for more. Thank you for the meal🙏

  • Lamcm Diver

    Lamcm Diver


    Delicious homemade noodle, fresh oyster, wonderful sauce. Lovely souvenirs 👍👍👍👍

  • Yen-Chiao Huang

    Yen-Chiao Huang


    Super delicious hot soba. The soup is a perfect combination of sweet and sour. It warms your tongue, heart, and soul. Will definitely come back if chance wills it.

  • Haidee Thomson

    Haidee Thomson


    Lovely staff, menu in Japanese only. Delicious soba, recommend seiro.

  • Maj Parima

    Maj Parima


    Owner of the place is super friendly. He can’t speak English but tries to give us the best gastronomic experience. He even gave us seeds of a plant that is to be put in soup. (At least that’s what we understand)

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