Zen-Nippon Shokuhin i Moka

JapanZen-Nippon Shokuhin



🕗 åbningstider

1242-2 Higashiōshima, Moka, Tochigi 321-4322, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 285-82-2941
internet side: ptl.zchain.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.4089905, Longitude: 140.0237785

kommentar 5

  • 溶接班ジム兄



    Is sashimi famous on the internet? When I went there in the evening, there were only two types of sashimi available, and it cost 580 yen for 6 slices, so I gave up because it wasn't worth it. I thought about having oden, but decided not to try chikuwa or tofu fried chicken either...I'd like to see that they have all the sashimi items you'll find at a rural supermarket!

  • もち



    The sashimi here is really delicious, so please give it a try. It's best to order by phone before going. When I want to eat delicious sashimi in a slightly luxurious way, I order here. You can experience the deliciousness that exceeds the price. When I first visited this store, I thought, Wow, it's old-fashioned, dirty, and dangerous. Are you open for business? I thought that was too rude, but the sashimi is so delicious that those feelings disappear.

  • のもちー



    Sashimi is recommended! I heard from an acquaintance and visited. Tuna sashimi is worth more than the price. The bonito and salmon sashimi are also very fresh, making it hard to believe that this is a small supermarket in the countryside.

  • 茶トラ



    I ordered a 2000 yen sashimi platter (more medium-fatty fatty fish). I always only ate Chutoro, but the others are delicious too! Melting ~☺️ Sashimi is lined up at the store from around 11 o'clock, but it sells out quickly. We recommend the medium fatty tuna for 750 yen. Freshly fried side dishes are available from around 10 o'clock, and they are also cheap! Fried white fish is 60 yen, crab cream croquette is 70 yen, and fried chicken is 100 yen! In addition to sashimi, fresh fish and daily necessities such as salted salmon and mentaiko are also cheap and helpful. I recommend creating a membership card because it is free and you can buy products even cheaper with member discounts 😁 I'm really happy to be able to pay with nanaco and credit cards 😆 I'm a first-time customer, but I love this supermarket because the owner and staff are polite and kind.

  • C D

    C D


    I visited after 10 am on July 2, 2021. I think this is a valuable supermarket in this area. It was raining that day, so they put the items I bought in plastic so they wouldn't get wet. The cashier (female) who helped me was very kind. thank you very much!! By the way, business hours are until 7:30 p.m. I will come again to buy lunch!!

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