Zao Onsen & Ski Lodge Scole i Yamagata-shi

JapanZao Onsen & Ski Lodge Scole



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Japan, 〒990-2301 YamagataYamagata-shiZaōonsen, 746 zao-onsen
kontakter telefon: +81 23-694-9320
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.170176, Longitude: 140.395252

kommentar 5

  • Fghfhn



    I have been several times over a few years. Always amazing. Especially the food, service and the atmosphere :) The highlight is a proper fireplace to relax by after a glorious day on the slopes. Lemon jenga

  • Cindy Tu

    Cindy Tu


    Would highly recommend. The staff were great and helped us when we needed. We really liked the bunk bed style rooms and the open spaces. The food was delicious too. And perfect location close to the ski resorts

  • Lillian Kraemer

    Lillian Kraemer


    Great location, food and staff. Stayed three nights. The food was incredible. They serve all high end western food with big portions. They plowed the driveway an hour early to when we requested and moved our car so we had to walk five steps to get in upon our departure. Customer Service at its best. All in all great place to stay, would highly recommend.

  • Tom Ho

    Tom Ho


    Very friendly and helpful hosts. Food and drinks are 10 out of 10, especially the cheese cake, western style lodge so English is a commonly used language there, very close to the ski resort, Definitely recommend staying here if you come to zao

  • Alina Che

    Alina Che


    Absolutely MUST VISIT place! It was one of the most beautiful experiences of staying in small hotels for the last 14 years living in Japan. We stayed 3 nights there and even though we couldn’t enjoy skiing much due to end of season in late March , we found so much entertainment in the lodge. The owner - a fascinating lady who runs it 50 years so far, is a chef there and was spoiling us with homemade, very delicious dishes every time at breakfasts and dinners. We were really amazed with every next mealtime. This is a family business and the atmosphere there is so warm and welcoming! Absolutely kids friendly. We had really great time there!!! Thank you very much !

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