御影公会堂食堂 w Kobe




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒658-0045 Hyogo, Kobe, Higashinada Ward, Mikageishimachi, 4-chōme−4−1 B1F
kontakt telefon: +81 78-851-2959
strona internetowej: mikage-kokaido.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7158891, Longitude: 135.2493148

komentarze 5

  • a_a



    It has a nostalgic and very nice atmosphere. It was popular and was crowded with customers one after another. The omelet rice has a simple taste that feels nostalgic, but it was very easy to eat and delicious. The soup was also delicious!

  • IKE log

    IKE log


    Store information↓ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Store name] Mikage Public Hall Restaurant 【business hours】 11:00-14:00 Closed: Tuesday 【access】 5 minutes walk from Ishiyagawa Station on the Hanshin Main Line 【budget】 1,000-2,000 yen/person (lunch) ※Cash only [Recommended use scene] Use with family/friends/acquaintances/workplace members [Tabelog evaluation (as of visit date)] ⭐️3.49

  • saorin



    This place is also a registered tangible cultural property. Mikage Public Hall Restaurant located inside Mikage Public Hall. Selected as one of Kobe's top 100 restaurants The retro feel of the store remains intact. Mikage Public Hall = Omelet rice It's so popular! In the end, this is it Simple omelet rice is the most delicious. We had a delicious meal in a calm atmosphere. When ordering beef cutlet, you can eat up to 2 meals! If you would like 3 or more beef cutlets, you must make a reservation at least one day in advance! So don't forget~ Take-out food is also available.

  • randy. 1964

    randy. 1964


    About 5 minutes walk from Hanshin Ishiyagawa Station This store is located in the basement of a historic building. The sense of history is wonderful The interior of the store has a chic atmosphere based on white. The ceiling is high and there is an open feeling. I don't think you'll feel cramped even when the seats are full. I feel it What to eat when you come here It's omelet rice I received omuhayashi Wrapped in a slightly soft egg Omelette rice Next to it is demi-glace sauce. I'm gently cuddling with you Demi-glace sauce with rich flavor When eaten with omelette rice A world of deep flavor spreads in your mouth. It's already really delicious It's nothing but delicious Please try it thank you

  • Nali Yan

    Nali Yan


    The retro and nostalgic vibes are incomparable. This is one of the hidden good places in Kobe.

najbliższy Restauracja

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