ゆやど 雲仙新湯 i Unzen

Japanゆやど 雲仙新湯



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320 Obamachō Unzen, Unzen, Nagasaki 854-0621, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 957-73-3301
internet side: www.sinyuhotel.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.7379665, Longitude: 130.2632631

kommentar 5

  • Wendy Chan

    Wendy Chan


    Had a very nice stay at the hotel. Enjoyed the traditional onzen experience and the meal is nice! The rooms with private bath allow users to lower the water temperature, making them very suitable for family with elderly and kids.

  • wai cheung wong

    wai cheung wong


    A superb ryokan experience! The meal is super duper delicious, best meals among all ryokan I ever been. And the staff is both friendly and helpful! The hotsprings are also very good. Rooms are cozy and clean. Excellent!!! Definitely would visit again!

  • Jane Hsieh

    Jane Hsieh


    We absolutely enjoyed our stay. The room was comfortable. The food was decent and the onsen was clean and comfortable. It’s common to encounter friendly staff in Japanese hotels but it isn’t common to have someone who can speak English fluently. On top of that, the staff went extra mile to help us. I was asking if a ferry service to Kumamoto would take the Japanese national discount coupons when we checked in. The staff called the ferry service for us and informed us that it doesn’t. Next morning, the staff gave me the pamphlet of another ferry service that would take the coupons. On top of that, when we went out to walk around, another staff by the door rushed out toward us just to hand us a map of the local area and advised us where to go to catch the best view of the geothermal area. I highly recommend this hotel.

  • Chris Japan

    Chris Japan


    A classic Onsen hotel getting on in age but well maintained and with friendly staff, good service and delicious dinner and breakfast. The bath and water was very good and the location near the geothermal sites we could walk around great. Our room was a hybrid room with Tatami and beds and it was really comfortable.

  • SE



    Shinyu is a fantastic place to find yourself! Exceptional staff and service, an amazingly beautiful location a short walking distance from geothermal vents, outstanding-fresh and seasonal cuisine and wonderful baths for soaking... You cannot beat this combination. The family has been in business for 4 generations- over 100 years and they are experts at making you feel at home. They have some fluent English speakers on hand, which can be really wonderful when trying to make arrangements or get advice about things to see. I don’t hesitate to give this place 5 stars, based on the wonderful experience my wife and I had here. Highly recommended!!!

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