ゆうちょ銀行 熊本支店 地下鉄天神駅東口内出張所 i Fukuoka

Japanゆうちょ銀行 熊本支店 地下鉄天神駅東口内出張所



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒810-0001 Fukuoka, Chuo Ward, Tenjin, 1-chōme−12−2 地下1階 改札券売機横 東口
kontakter telefon: +81 120-108-420
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5916525, Longitude: 130.3998972

kommentar 5

  • negi85 miki

    negi85 miki


    ●Place This is a convenient Japan Post Bank ATM located on the first basement floor near the ticket office and ticket gate of Tenjin Subway Station. Tenjin Station's ticket gate is divided into two in the underground mall, and this is the east side. ●There are 2 ATMs. ●Although it is located in the center of Tenjin, it is not very crowded. It's a hidden gem. ●ATMs have long business hours, perhaps for passengers using the station. We are also open on Saturdays and Sundays. ●Saturday business hours are as long and convenient as weekdays. ●Business hours Weekdays 7:00-23:00 Saturday 8:00-23:00 Sundays/Holidays 8:00-21:00

  • Mari T

    Mari T


    Right next to the east ticket gate of Tenjin Subway Station. Super convenient!

  • Maris Stella

    Maris Stella


    conveniently located

  • Chhabi Kharel

    Chhabi Kharel


  • きびだんごくれ太郎



    It's inside the subway, so go underground and look for it.

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