Yumoto KOGANEYU in Sapporo

JapanYumoto KOGANEYU



🕗 öffnungszeiten

25 Koganeyu, Minami Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 061-2274, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 11-596-2111
webseite: koganeyu.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 42.9684925, Longitude: 141.2199153

kommentare 5

  • Diana D

    Diana D


    We came in for a private bath to the onsen without reservation. The prices are fantastic for what you get. Clean and leaves your skin smooth as it can get. The dinner was delicious and the massage chairs were great. 200 yen for 15 minutes is not a price you can easily find. Definitely recommend!

  • Chloe L

    Chloe L


    Staff were very welcoming and helpful - we managed to communicate via Google Translate as we didn't know Japanese and their English was limited. My partner and I enjoyed the 60 min full body massage before our 90 min private Onsen room. Everything was very clean and restaurant served excellent soba and shaved ice dessert. We would 100% come back again! Thank you very much for your excellent service!

  • Mich



    Place was easy to find. We took a private onsen room for 90 minutes and the facilities were comfortable, clean and had all the amenities we needed. After that there was also a nice lounge for resting after your bath, with massage chairs. We also ate at the restaurant there, where the food was good. Service was great throughout, even though we were the only foreigners, everything was in Japanese and we had to use google translate to communicate. Would definitely recommend.

  • Urailisa J

    Urailisa J


    We intended to onsen-bahting. Facility is quite good to visit. There are only local people here. So we used google translate for buy the tickets at the machine before we went inside. There are staff and every instruction is only Japanese. You must know how to do (start from shower and bath in high>meduim>low temperature bath tub) there are outdoor zone also. The place is quite&peace. Moreover there are some meals and dressert (soft cream and shave ice) and vending machine. It will be perfect if there is English instruction.

  • Michael Nevans

    Michael Nevans


    A nice little public bath. The outside pools were great. Views of the tree covered mountain make a great back drop. They have 3 private baths here but they require reservation. The food and drink at the restaurant inside was standard but good.

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