Yumoto Fujiya Hotel en Hakone

JapónYumoto Fujiya Hotel


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256-1 Yumoto, Hakone, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa 250-0392, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 460-85-6111
sitio web: www.yumotofujiya.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2322641, Longitude: 139.104796

comentarios 5

  • Adriel Mani

    Adriel Mani


    Nestled away in the Hakone valley right next to the main train station, this hotel was amazing. The staff were amazing, and upgraded my sister and I to a bigger room which was the most spacious room we had come across in our adventures across this beautiful country. Great service, location as amenities. The public baths are also very well kept and maintained to the highest of standards. Definitely loved our stay here!!!

  • JK



    We did not love this hotel, especially for the price. The beds are extremely firm and springy, more so than any other hotel we’ve stayed in in Japan. However, the view was nice! We did not get to use the public onsens, but we booked the private onsen which was disappointing. The room was not clean and there were hairs in the onsen. For the price, I think you can do better.

  • A M

    A M


    I hate how most of the non 5- stars are from entitled tourists with no common sense. This was a fantastic establishment. With phenomenal staff and even greater environment. 7/11 down the street. Download an app to your phone to take photos of the signs so you can translate them. It’s that easy. There are apps that allow you to have a conversation. Download them. There are no gyms because this establishment is for HOTSPRING!! It’s clearly listen on their website. Please refrain from leaving very long ridiculous reviews bashing the establishment, if you didn’t even bother doing research as to what an Onsen is, or the kind of establishment this is.

  • Nick



    We had an unbelievable stay at Yumoto Fujiya Hotel as part of our honeymoon. You simply CANNOT miss Hakone as part of a trip to Japan! The hotel is located very close to Hakone-Yumoto Station which is very convenient when arriving on the Romancecar from Shinjuku. Walk across a short bridge where you can get a great view of the river. The hotel is located slightly up a hill and fortunately there is an elevator located at the bottom which is helpful with large suitcases. The check in staff welcome you with a smile and are very helpful. We were also surprised by a room upgrade which provided us with a huge room and an incredible view from our balcony overlooking the town. We were able to book a private onsen for 45 minutes for 2000yen ($20 AUD) and we would highly recommend this experience. The minerals left our skin feeling so clean and rejuvenated. We also ate dinner at one of the onsite restaurants (there are a few) and the meal we had at the izakaya style restaurant was lovely and reasonably priced. We honestly could not recommend this hotel more if you are planning to stay in Hakone, particularly given its price, amenities and location. 5 ⭐ stay.

  • Kirushanth Rasiah

    Kirushanth Rasiah


    The service and staff is great everyone is polite, friendly and very helpful as they all mostly are, and they do speak English. Note that there is no room service and no gym, but they do have an onsen and a few overpriced restaurants. We got the breakfast buffet which was highly worth it, with a large variety of options. The hotel location is incredible, within a 4 minute walk from the train station, just walk over the bridge and take the elevator up to the lobby floor. The rooms are specious in comparison to hotels you'll find in Tokyo or Kyoto, with modern amenities. There are no English channels on TV. They have two buildings that are connected, and we stayed in the newer Rainbow Building. The hotel is rather large with a banquet hall, wedding chapel, and conference rooms.

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