Yuchoginko Kumamoto Shiten Chikatetsuhakataekichikushiguchinaishutchosho en Fukuoka

JapónYuchoginko Kumamoto Shiten Chikatetsuhakataekichikushiguchinaishutchosho



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Japan, 〒812-0012 Fukuoka, Hakata Ward, Hakataekichūōgai, 1, 地下1階 コンビニエンスストア横
contactos teléfono: +81 120-108-420
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5896147, Longitude: 130.4193934

comentarios 5

  • かんさん



    Decorative mountain in front of Hakata Station

  • パンダさん



  • T K

    T K


  • 自称会社員26歳男性



    [The location is very difficult to find] ・It says it's on the 1st basement floor. To be honest, on the second basement floor? ・Stairs next to Colonel Sanders doll When I went down. ・In front of the ticket gate of Hakata Subway Station.

  • negi85 miki

    negi85 miki


    ●Place It is located on the first basement floor, in the concourse of the Chikushi exit entrance of the subway. ●How to get there ①Go down the stairs from the Shinkansen station to the subway. ② From the Chikushi Exit of Hakata Station on the ground level, go down the stairs marked with the subway symbol. ③ From the subway platform, take the exit closest to Fukuoka Airport and go to the first basement floor. ●There is only one ATM. There is a group of ATMs, and this is one of the glass-walled rooms. ●It's been a little crowded lately. ●Business hours Weekdays 7:00-23:00 Saturday 8:00-21:00 Sundays/Holidays 8:00-21:00 ●Changes There used to be two other ATMs near the same floor, but they are no longer there. It was a good ATM near Hakata Station where you didn't have to wait in line. ●Substitute ATM Recently, Japan Post Bank ATMs have increased in FamilyMart stores. The nearest Family Mart ATM is a little far away. FamilyMart Hakata Station Higashi 1-chome store. However, we are open 24 hours a day, almost every day of the year.

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