源じいの森 in Aka




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6933-1 Aka, Tagawa District, Fukuoka 824-0431, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 947-62-2911
webseite: www.genjii.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.6169454, Longitude: 130.8968279

kommentare 5

  • みやとむ



    I stopped by to use the hot springs. The normal price of 600 yen is very reasonable, but since you need 100 yen for the shoe rack and 100 yen for the changing locker, which will not be returned, you will need more than 800 yen. There is a large sauna and a large outdoor space, so you can relax, but there are few washing areas, so be careful when it is crowded. You can lie down on a completely flat tatami mat instead of on a steep chair, so bathing in the open air is a great environment.

  • まにまに



    This is my second visit! The origin is said to be the source of the Genji fireflies, Jiibaba's Jii of Muraka, and 70% of Akamura is forest, so together they are called ``Genjii no Mori.'' You can enter even if you don't stay overnight, and you can feel the great nature of the mountains and rivers up close. It was so much fun to walk along the well-maintained river! You can also come by train. I was able to enter the hot springs for free with the Mochikumaru ticket, so I thought I'd like to stay there next time.

  • Mia Sugiura

    Mia Sugiura


    2 nights and 3 days camping! It was fun. The tap also provides hot water. The toilets are Western-style and have washlets. It's a pity that only the bouldering remains in the children's playground and the rest (slides, etc.) are gone.

  • H S

    H S


    We stayed in a 10 person lodge. There were 7 of us including children, and we were fully equipped with futons, sheets, rice cooker, IH, and tableware, so we could spend a comfortable time. The cherry blossoms were also in full bloom and beautiful. We went fishing in the river, but unfortunately we didn't catch any fish, but it was a fun holiday.

  • Anicet Réglat Vizzavona

    Anicet Réglat Vizzavona


    Great camping place, nice staff !

nächste Campingplatz

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