Yu Dental Clinic w Kumamoto

JaponiaYu Dental Clinic


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

12-9 Kotohirahonmachi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0814, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-362-1120
strona internetowej: www.you-dent.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 32.786407, Longitude: 130.706775

komentarze 3

  • M.M恟恋



    I was forced to go to school and the explanations changed over and over again.I think this is a typical example of insurance premium earning.

  • 悄ćÆ



    I am so impressed with the dentist's response that I am writing this review. My ceramic filling came off and I requested assistance. Thank you for taking the time to make the reservation. However, I was asked how long it had been since I had the ceramic fillings, and when I answered 1-2 years, I was told that if I had been using them that long, I should replace them. Ceramic fillings cost more than 50,000 to 60,000 yen out of pocket, so it seems like it's been that long. They didn't even take any x-rays of my teeth, and I was told that my insides were in bad shape. I move around a lot, so it's difficult for me to continue going to one dental clinic, but I make sure to visit the dental clinic regularly. Without informed consent, they make unilateral decisions and try to inflame patients' anxiety in order to get them to undergo treatment. I thought it was a death of money. It would be fine if this was all I had, but the part I got put on came off the next day. I've been to many dental clinics, but I'm currently at the WORST.

  • TE UP

    TE UP


    Kind and polite.

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