柚子庵 i Kurume




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒830-0013 Fukuoka, Kurume, Kushiharamachi, 125−1
kontakter telefon: +81 942-38-5559
internet side: www.yuzuan.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.3194179, Longitude: 130.5166093

kommentar 5

  • ・ぶらくら・【北九州市民】【インスタ同名でやってます】



    Visited on March 26, 2023: Relatives dinner party

  • S Y

    S Y


    Of course, I asked for it in 2022 as well. This is a story about osechi. Thank you for the happiness every year. ■ Preferences ★★★★★★★ ■ Repeat ★★★★★★★ ■ Price ★★★★★★★

  • Peonyyyぴおにー



    Just before noon, when I was driving along Route 209, there was a car (white van) with Yuzuan's name on it, and it was driving pretty sticky, so it was scary. After that, he changed direction to the left lane without raising his turn signal, and even after passing me, he changed direction without raising his turn signal. I thought how irresponsible a person would be to drive a commercial vehicle like that even though it had a store's name on it. I won't be going to Yuzuan again in the future. I just hate the idea of ​​a store with people like that working there.

  • 川と野



    My husband and I went to eat here to celebrate my birthday. The food I received not only looked beautiful, but the dishes on which it was served were cute and wonderful, so I could feel the playfulness and attention to detail and it was a feast for the eyes.The taste was also delicious and I was very satisfied. . I would like to use it again next year.

  • 35 Y

    35 Y


    This is an authentic Japanese restaurant. They offer table seats and a variety of private rooms, and it seems that you can also rent out a room for a fee. There is only about 8 parking spaces, which is small. Reservations are recommended. The staff are very welcoming, and of course the food is delicious. I think this is the perfect restaurant for celebrating anniversaries or entertaining important customers.

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