(有)中華タミーフーズ in Fukuoka




🕗 öffnungszeiten

5-chōme-2-43 Torikai, Jonan Ward, Fukuoka, 814-0103, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 92-822-1302
webseite: www.chuka-tammy.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5760335, Longitude: 130.3717661

kommentare 5

  • くぅちゃんはぁちゃん



    I came across this shop looking for old lottery. A small bottle would have been fine since it was for home use and not used often, but it was a store that mainly sells products for commercial use. However, the selection is quite authentic. There were products from manufacturers that I don't often see, and ingredients that I had only seen online. The staff at the store were also very nice and left a good impression.

  • Erin A

    Erin A


    A Chinese food store for the general public run by a Chinese food wholesaler. There are many large-capacity bags available only through wholesale, but after consulting with them, I was able to divide them into smaller quantities and purchase them by weight. It's a fun shop where you can learn how to use ingredients that you can't easily buy at the supermarket.

  • мина микки

    мина микки


    I was a little confused when I went there, imagining it was like a Chinese grocery store in another country... but the staff was friendly.

  • 2020 Kinny (‪Kinny2020‬)

    2020 Kinny (‪Kinny2020‬)


    This is Chinese food store for restaurants...I was surprised to find this kind of shop in this local neighborhood, it's like Sannomiya, Kobe... I think I might get some rice noodle next time. Very authentic!

  • S T

    S T


    I was on a carbohydrate restriction and came to the store in search of low-carbohydrate tofu dried thread. If you order it, the shipping cost will be prohibitive, but here you can buy it at the regular price. The manager was also friendly and helpful. I will come again♪

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