youme Mart Shinshimonoseki en Shimonoseki

Japónyoume Mart Shinshimonoseki



🕗 horarios

316 Ishihara, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 751-0886, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 83-256-4100
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.014233, Longitude: 130.948624

comentarios 5

  • Y4646AB



    I've been a regular, but this is my first visit since the renovation. It was very beautiful with bright floors. I feel that the store has become more and more convenient to shop at. By the way, sweets are my wife's favorite. The staff also have nice smiles. They move quickly and greet each other well. Five stars. No, this is level 7 stars (^^)

  • カプリソーネ



    Daikyo? Whenever I buy meat of any kind, I always end up getting caught at the cash register and having to call the clerk. If you know, please do something about it. It's annoying every time.

  • 山吹色の灰皿



    Since the renovation, the store has become brighter and the staff and products have been upgraded. i am a regular customer

  • 焼酎芋



    The store itself isn't bad, but the parking lot is a game of musical chairs. A parking lot that clearly shows the personality of Yamaguchi people

  • jamtyえのん



    After the renovation, it looks beautiful. Overall, it's a nice supermarket that also carries slightly higher-end products. EV charging equipment is planned to be constructed on the east side of the store. By the way, we have received permission from the store manager to take photos inside the store m(__)m

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