(有)ママチェーンうえむら w Hiroshima




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒733-0007 Hiroshima, Nishi Ward, Ōmiya, 1-chōme−26−20 角谷ビル
kontakt telefon: +81 82-237-1485
strona internetowej: www.mamachain.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.4200426, Longitude: 132.4570791

komentarze 5

  • Narender Parsad

    Narender Parsad


    Reasonably priced vegetables and fruits are available. Shop keeper and staff are also nice.

  • D. R

    D. R


    Very cheap vegetable. The boss is very kind.

  • みせん灯(灯みせん)



    A small greengrocer with a nostalgic look. The vegetables were a little damaged in shape and in some places, but I thought the freshness and customer service were good, and there was a pretty good selection of fish.

  • なつどー



    The customer base varies from the elderly to foreigners. It's not a pretty store, like an old greengrocer's store, but as everyone has said, the prices are quite low. The cash register is an old one, but the clerk's cash register and the prices of special items are kept in mind. He has a kind personality and treats foreigners in a frank and kind manner. In today's world, even if we say we're going to raise our wages, it doesn't go up, or it only goes up a little, and taxes and prices of things go up, making it difficult to live. We are so grateful that this store exists for us. This is a store that I would like to see remain as it is without going under.

  • Andeep singh Panwar

    Andeep singh Panwar


    For fresh and lesser price of fruit and vegetables you must visit there..

najbliższy Supermarket

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