有本矯正歯科 in Wakayama




🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-2-20 Kuroda, Wakayama, 640-8341, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 73-475-1888
webseite: www.arimoto.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.2326563, Longitude: 135.193466

kommentare 5

  • りこすけ(りこすけ)



  • MEGU



    Since the former director opened his own practice for the first time in the Kinki area, he has taken care of me, and my two daughters have also received orthodontic treatment. After I turned 45, my teeth started to become misaligned, and I wanted to get them as straight as before, so I went back for orthodontic treatment with Invisalign. Unlike braces, there is almost no pain and I don't get any canker sores, I can eat easily without braces treatment, and my teeth are even more aligned than before. thank you very much.

  • 細木舞



    I am grateful to be able to provide orthodontic treatment that is pain-free and enjoyable for my child. I myself trusted Arimoto Orthodontics because I received treatment there when I was a child, and since then, the facilities and equipment are better and more comfortable for children, which is why I chose Arimoto Orthodontics. I think it was good.




    We are taking care of orthodontic treatment for a 10 year old child. After about a year, I was satisfied with the result. I was worried that she would resist wearing the mouthpiece (which is almost transparent), but I quickly got used to it. This clinic is The teachers and all the assistants are kind and polite, and all of them are beautiful people. There are game consoles in the hospital and TV monitors on each treatment seat so you can watch whatever you want. The child will be happy to go. Since there is no insurance medical treatment, For cavities and tooth extractions, it's like going to your family dentist. There are 4 parking spaces. Reservation required. Electronic payments such as PayPay and credit cards are accepted. It's near the 7-Eleven behind the station.

  • Seiji Sou

    Seiji Sou


    It seems that insurance treatment is not provided. If you find cavities or other problems, we can of course treat them here, but since you will have to pay for the treatment yourself, we will recommend you to see your family dentist. However, I don't think orthodontics is super expensive just because it is a self-pay treatment. ●Postscript Dear owner, thank you very much for your reply. I made a slight correction. Also, the teacher who taught me was thorough and easy to understand.

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