Yoshimurashoni Dental Clinic en Fukutsu

JapónYoshimurashoni Dental Clinic



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6-chōme-11-41 Chūō, Fukutsu, Fukuoka 811-3217, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 940-43-5565
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.7636, Longitude: 130.483633

comentarios 5

  • みーママ



    I had a chipped tooth and had it repaired three times, and in the end, I asked if there would be any major damage even if it wasn't repaired.Comment. I went to another hospital and was properly treated in one visit, and it has been a while since then, but the prognosis is good. Although it is a children's dentist, it may not be suitable for children. My child cried during treatment for other reasons. It's not that it hurts, it's just that it's hard to say.

  • Y I

    Y I


    It is the longest pediatric dentistry clinic in Fukuma. At that time, it was the cutting edge of pediatric dentistry! It's been around 30 years! A female doctor is doing it. For a long time, they were strict with children, and some children would not come out of the toilet. However, he always took care of me when I met him outside of the dentist's office. I have fond memories of teachers who I now find scary. Something like this happened to me at the dentist back then! It's become a laughing matter now. On the other hand, I now think that adults other than my parents who scold me are precious to me. It's hard to understand in this day and age. It's real.

  • K H

    K H


    ``A pediatric dentist who doesn't understand my child.'' I went there for dental caries treatment, but in response to the crying complaint of a child with strong anxiety and fear stemming from a developmental disorder, I was told, ``If you're being selfish, it won't end.'' I heard scolding voices from the doctor's office, saying, ``That's strange even though you're ○ years old!'' and I didn't want to go there again.

  • m y

    m y


    Even when the child cries, the female doctor keeps scolding the child loudly, saying things like ``Of course a 5-year-old can do it'' and ``If you can't do it, you can't go home and stay the night.'' Don't comfort her, and if the child resists and closes her mouth or feels like she's about to vomit, tell her not to do it on purpose. There was no follow-up from the dental hygienist at all. His hand is pulled and he falls to the floor. The treatment was unbelievable for a pediatric dentist. In the end, her parents got angry and said, ``If you can't listen to what I say, we can't treat you!'' After returning home, my child said, ``I was so scared of the doctor that I couldn't stop crying,'' and every time I passed by the dentist, I thought, ``I don't want to go to the dentist anymore...'' It seems like the child was traumatized. There are also 5-year-olds who are fearful, crybabies, and have developmental disabilities...I wonder if they should just scold them.

  • ともさか



    My child, who seems to have weak teeth, has been under the care of a dentist since he was one year old. I was going to another dentist, but the teeth that were coming in quickly disappeared, so I decided to change to this dentist and received the first proper treatment. I wish I had been going here from the beginning. However, the teacher was quite strict and I felt like I was going to break at the beginning (lol)

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