Yoshidome Dental Clinic w Kagoshima

JaponiaYoshidome Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒892-0826 Kagoshima, Gofukumachi, 6−5 マルヤガーデンズ 4F
kontakt telefon: +81 99-208-8881
strona internetowej: yoshidome.in
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 31.5909544, Longitude: 130.5570357

komentarze 5

  • Kohei Y.

    Kohei Y.


    Ever since I received orthodontic treatment, I have been indebted to him for cavities treatment and cleaning. Before the treatment, you will receive detailed explanations that are easy to understand. Furthermore, since the final decision during treatment is left to the patient, the patient can receive treatment with peace of mind. The facilities are clean so I highly recommend it!

  • kominami yusaku

    kominami yusaku


    I asked for implant treatment. The surgery went by in a blink of an eye, and even though it's been 3 years, I can still chew without any discomfort. I haven't decided on treatment for a long time, but I wish I had asked here sooner.

  • asu k.

    asu k.


    My nails came off, and although it was sudden, I received treatment. The doctor was also kind and gave detailed explanations. I feel that regular cleaning is important, so I plan to continue coming here in the future. The parking lot was crowded in the morning.

  • 花那叶井



    Dentist I wish would disappear soon I just remembered, so I added: When I was undergoing whitening with a small chip at the root of my tooth, I noticed a stain on my tooth and when I asked my dentist if I should go for treatment, he said, ``It's a stain~, so if I treat that part, I'll have to use filling material to fill it in. I think some parts will be a different color, but if that's okay, that's out of the question! 💢 From there, you should suggest, ``It's painful when it hurts, so it might be different from the color of your teeth, but it's better to get it fixed.'' Isn't it crazy to prioritize whitening your teeth because whitening is coming? ? Also, I know that someone involved here previously quit this clinic because it was too warm and cruel. I've been there before, and there's this horrible guy who makes you smell blood when he threads it through it! 😡💢 Don't say, "You're bloody, right? Your breath smells like this, so you should brush your teeth and comb your teeth every day." There are other ways to make brushing and toothpicking a habit. I'm glad that other people's reviews are also low, saying, "Everyone has the same impressions!"

  • まつ



    It was good to visit the dentist regularly for maintenance, but I couldn't understand the idea of ​​extracting a tooth that could potentially be treated for cavities and replacing it with an implant. In the first place, it would be strange to leave it until it is ready to be removed. I went to see him for many years, but I couldn't trust him and decided to go to another dental clinic. I'm posting this so that patients don't end up like me.

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