Yoshida Dental Clinic en Matsuyama

JapónYoshida Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

222-8 Komuramachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 791-1125, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 89-960-8168
sitio web: yoshida-dentalclinic.jimdofree.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.7785185, Longitude: 132.8145022

comentarios 5

  • むねよしひさ



    I had my wisdom teeth removed and am feeling great. Thank you for your kind and detailed explanation. This is a recommended clinic.

  • gen a

    gen a


    I was told at the dentist clinic I went to last time that my teeth might be hurting because of my crooked teeth, but when I told them that, they told me that there was no problem, and that if it bothered me, I could have them straightened. I don't think there's a way to say that to people who care about the alignment of their teeth. I didn't like his bossy talk, so I immediately looked for another clinic.

  • あう



  • あな



    I inspected this place a lot and took pictures. At first, it wasn't like that, so I didn't worry about it. It costs a lot of money to say something that seems plausible and have to test it every time. Do I have to do it every week? The other day, I had to remove my old silver tooth and put in a new one, which caused a lot of tooth loss, and it still hurts because my tooth is sore! Even though I didn't have any cavities or anything, I just went for a checkup, should I consult a lawyer? Star ⭐️ Can't you give it a minus? I don't want to give any stars! For now, put your teeth back❗️ And among the hygienists, there are people who look down on people. If this happens, it's the worst! I'll do whatever you want! I'll do this for you! The test was extremely painful! When I say that, she makes a weird face and says, “Okay, it’s okay!” I didn't even know that the cloth I was wearing over my face had shifted! It's completely visible! Your tweezers are pinching your mouth with all your might! I asked her to let me know if it hurt, but I had to endure it for a long time, and the pain was so bad that I cried out ❗️When I woke up, the doctor and I looked at each other and whispered, ❗️It didn't feel right! It's like something is wrong with me❗️This guy has been here since we opened, and the other people have been replaced quite a bit! That kind of relationship⁉️ is disgusting 👎Also, please stop posting Instagram-like reviews that don't make sense! There are no reviews! There is no content! It's cute, but I think it's different. It's okay at first, but then you'll figure it out!

  • 上谷亜紀



    At Yoshida Dental Clinic, Ren-kun will meet in the kids room.

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