York Benimaru Ashikaga Otsuki Store en Ashikaga

JapónYork Benimaru Ashikaga Otsuki Store



🕗 horarios

3番地2 Ōtsukichō, Ashikaga, Tochigi 326-0005, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 284-40-2181
sitio web: yorkbenimaru.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.3357603, Longitude: 139.4776398

comentarios 5

  • 310



    March 10th at 6pm The lady in the middle of the manned cash register is extremely unpleasant! If that's the case, I think she should quit.

  • コウソンカズヒラ



    I bought some bread ears rusk at a bakery. I felt sick after eating it, probably because the oil wasn't good for me.

  • こはる琥陽



    Store staff often respond immediately when you talk to them. I think there are many cash registers. Self-checkout is recommended when you don't have many items to buy or when you're in a hurry. In addition to paying in cash, you can also use credit cards and nanaco. There are 31 ice creams inside. It's nice to have a local vegetable corner. I love that you can buy self-serve coffee at 7ELEVEN and at the bakery.

  • REDS大好き。



    I worked at this store when it opened. A long time ago, I was having a BBQ with a friend, and I wanted to eat scallops with the shell on, so I went to the store. I don't think they usually had many scallops in their shells, but when I told them what month and day we were going to have a BBQ, they ordered some. My request was listened to and I was able to shop, and the friends I had a BBQ with were also very happy. I haven't been to Benimaru Otsuki store in about 10 years, so I think the members have changed a lot, but I feel nostalgic, so I'd like to go shopping there someday.

  • Treng Yang

    Treng Yang


    the goto place for drinks

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