Yomoyama in Shimonoseki




🕗 öffnungszeiten

766-1 Kikugawachō Ōaza Kamiokaeda, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 750-0321, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 83-287-4649
webseite: michinoekikikugawa.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.1261527, Longitude: 131.0316861

kommentare 5

  • watwat watwat

    watwat watwat


    A single pot of duck is very satisfying. If you leave the rice behind and add eggs to make porridge, it's cost-effective. The famous hot somen noodles are also delicious. Healthier than ramen, lighter than udon, and filling. All menu items are delicious and full of volume! It's definitely a recommended spot that you can stop by.

  • M H

    M H


    I had katsudon so I tried it. The cutlet was delicious Even though it's Kikugawa, for some reason the food wasn't delicious. Kikugawa rice is delicious, but they don't use it?

  • 西三枝子



    After the coronavirus, if you buy a meal ticket and sit down, they will call you by your number. I started cleaning up after meals myself. There is a set meal from (Monday) to (Friday).

  • Kazuhiko Nishimoto

    Kazuhiko Nishimoto


    Used for lunch. This restaurant has counter seats, table seats, and tatami seats. Kikugawa is famous for somen, so I had the ``Kikugawa Yaki Somen.'' Somen noodles are sticky and have a chewy texture that won't break even if you pick them up. The noodles absorb the flavor of the ingredients and are very easy to eat with chopsticks. It's voluminous, so your stomach will be satisfied.

  • Miyu Tai

    Miyu Tai


    It's not bad. Due to the nature of somen, will it be harsh if you don't fry it with too much oil? I think it's better to reduce the oil and stir-fry with a small amount of stock.

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