Yomenyagoemon Higashiosakaten i Higashiosaka

JapanYomenyagoemon Higashiosakaten



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒577-0004 Osaka, Higashiosaka, Inadashinmachi, 3-chōme−9−64 別棟 フレスポ東大阪内
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6748-7323
internet side: www.yomenya-goemon.com
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Latitude: 34.692034, Longitude: 135.589755

kommentar 5

  • 口うるさいが、嘘はつかないおっさん



    The restaurants recommended by Koyabu on YouTube are always delicious, so I went to Goemon, a Western noodle restaurant. On April 20th (Saturday) at the Higashiosaka store, my wife ordered set A and I ordered set B. I thought it would be a really crunchy noodle, but the core remained in the noodle and it had a crunchy texture. There's a clear difference between al dente and half-baked. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but it was a disappointing Saturday.

  • Isoyan Ohana

    Isoyan Ohana


    When I go shopping, I want to eat pasta. It was nearby so I came here 🚙💨 There is a black tray ❓️ set meal ❓️ I was asked to take a seat. There were several tables, choose a seat and sit down 😌 Choose a menu and play tabletop ping pong Press the button and place your order with the staff! ️ I feel like I'm not very used to customer service. When serving food and drinks There were times when I felt nervous. It was delicious as usual😋 There were no towels, so When I asked for a towel, there was a strange pause. The number of people was confirmed😅 It's somehow different from Goemon before. While feeling a strange sense of discomfort I left the store😌

  • nanako (nanako)

    nanako (nanako)


    It was a little bland, but it was delicious. The taste of Goemon changes depending on the person who makes it. This store is of average quality. I also ordered a strawberry rare cheesecake. The strawberries on top are kind of sparse. There was more space than before, which made me feel a little disappointed (lol)

  • Ip Tu

    Ip Tu


    The other day, I visited the store around 8pm. I was recommended a set menu so I ordered it. The salad that came with it was in very bad condition. From my experience in food and agriculture, The quality was so unbelievably bad. There weren't many customers in the store, and I think it was because they were busy. It's a chain store, and when I ate at other stores in the past, it was delicious. It's a shame that stores like this are giving a bad impression of Goemon as a whole. I think the people at the hall have very good customer service. I felt sorry for the people in the hall when the kitchen staff worked like this. If we charged 150 yen for this salad, we would lose customers.

  • Mini K

    Mini K


    Love their Japanese fusion pasta!

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