Yokohamaya w Machida




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-26-31 Shinkōji, Machida, Tokyo 195-0057, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 42-737-3888
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6005942, Longitude: 139.4664283

komentarze 5

  • K・ I

    K・ I


    The ramen here is delicious, but I like the fried rice! Moreover, I was satisfied with the large portion of fried rice + 5 gyoza pieces for only 1,000 yen using the app's 100 yen discount. The parking lot and store are spacious, you can get a 100 yen discount every time using the app, and you can also enjoy the all-you-can-eat curry. If you're lost, this is it! *When I went there in August 2020, the app "100 yen off for all items over 800 yen" was gone 😭 You don't need a 100 yen discount on limited edition items! It's a bad change... *Photo shows fried rice (large serving) and gyoza I added too much because I like red ginger (lol)

  • David Ford

    David Ford


    Consistently good Tonkotsu Ramen. Been going for years. Gyoza used to be better. Shinshinmen is great, as well as the seasonal cold Tantanmen. Best Anindofu in town.

  • s “edo” enomoto

    s “edo” enomoto


    I came here around 8pm on a Saturday and about 80% of the seats were occupied. The parking lot is full. The taste of the family-style ramen is the same as in the bright and spacious store. There is a sense of stability. The price gradually increased until finally the ramen cost 800 yen. Considering the balance between price and taste, I would give it 3 stars. Special ramen and rice for 1310 yen.

  • Hidenori Takahashi

    Hidenori Takahashi


    A local chain family-style ramen restaurant. The spacious interior, with 11 counter seats and 11 tables, has an open feel, and you can imagine it's amazing on weekends. I visited around 11:30 on a weekday, and the seats were about half full. I ordered ramen (pork bone soy sauce) for 800 yen and rice for lunchtime service for 60 yen. Oh my God! There are various all-you-can-eat counters (ugh!). Zha cai, garlic, spicy miso, pickled ginger, etc. are self-serve. I had a large amount of zha cai with a little garlic and spicy miso and waited for my ramen. Although the soup is a family-style dish, the richness of the soup stands out more than the sweetness of the fat. Personally, I like that it doesn't look too family-oriented. If you're expecting a strong family lineage, it might feel a little bland. ? The noodles are medium thick and go well with the rich soup. Chopped green onions, spinach, grilled seaweed, and 1/2 seasoned egg. The char siu is thick and large with well-stained edges and is very filling. It didn't harmonize well with the soup, but it was delicious enough not to interfere with it. Personally, I like garlic ○ and spicy miso △. It's even more delicious when you add garlic, but this time I think the soup was better as is. (personally) This restaurant recommended the soup, which was not too rich and not heavy. Thank you for the delicious ramen meal.

  • Laurent Cheick KONAN コナン ローレント シェイック

    Laurent Cheick KONAN コナン ローレント シェイック


    Our favorite Ramen place in the area. I have been going there for over 10 years now and I still enjoy it.

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