Yokohama Minami Post Office i Yokohama

JapanYokohama Minami Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

1-1 Idogaya Kamimachi, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 232-8799, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 570-032-443
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.4328567, Longitude: 139.6006975

kommentar 5

  • きあ



    The delivery man is a liar and it's dangerous. The package that was scheduled to be delivered on April 26th has not arrived, and when I checked with the sender, they informed me that it was still undelivered. However, I didn't have an absentee note at home, so I was wondering what was going on, so I got the inquiry number from the shipping company and went through the process of redelivery. I'm glad that I received the item safely, but I didn't understand the delivery person's response after that. On the 30th, I noticed that there was an absentee ticket for the 26th, so I called the delivery person to ask about it, but he lied and said that the absentee ticket was posted on the 26th. If I were honest and said I was sorry that I forgot to put it in, I would still be forgiven, but there are delivery workers who just lie about it. There is a severe shortage of manpower here.

  • udaya sathyamurthy

    udaya sathyamurthy


    Very Helpful, quick response.

  • りつ



    The response is really bad. I've been there many times, but I've never had a good response. I didn't receive an important document for over two weeks, and when I checked, it turned out to be an error on the part of the post office. People who can't apologize properly even if they make a mistake, and people who lie without hesitation. For some reason, she always seems overbearing and looks down on me.

  • Peony



    Let me tell you about the delivery. The other day, I heard a clanking sound, so I went to the front door and found that an absentee ticket had been entered. It seems like he just put in an absentee ballot and went home without ringing the bell or knocking on the door. Before that, I heard a knock on the door, and even though I answered immediately, when I opened it, he was gone. I know you're busy, but it's really a waste of time. I checked the reviews and it seems like the same thing has been happening for the past 5 years.

  • パン龍



    The response is really bad. Don't listen to the story until the end, do the assembly line work. What other post offices can do, this post office In the middle of a conversation, I said, ``I can't do it! ” I shouldn't have gone. And you can also look it up on the internet! So, if you go to the counter the next day, the person in charge at the counter is different from the one the day before, and ask the same question, you can do it! and, It's a lot of work, and different people respond differently! However, the first person was probably too lazy or busy. I won't go again.

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