Yokohama Heiwa Plaza Hotel in 横浜市

JapanYokohama Heiwa Plaza Hotel


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Japan, 〒231-0011 神奈川県横浜市中区太田町5丁目65
kontakte telefon: +81 45-212-2333
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.448796, Longitude: 139.6358167

kommentare 5

  • R.A. R.

    R.A. R.


    Comfortable hotel, nice staff, okay breakfast. They are very strict about their 3pm check in policy.

  • Paul C.

    Paul C.


    Very convenient location and rooms were also pretty spacious for the price. The toilet had a slightly musky smell. Hotel is right next to the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Cultural History. Visited in May 2023.

  • Robin Sowden

    Robin Sowden


    The hotel is less than five minutes' walk from Exit 5 of Bashamichi station on the Minatomirai line. The nighttime receptionist and day staff are all friendly, courteous and helpful with advice for finding nearby restaurants, including a 24-hour Yoshinoya restaurant and convenience stores. My basic, small, L-shaped room is spotlessly clean and does not make me feel claustrophobic and I have a pleasant 4th floor view of the street. My bed occupies one arm of the "L" and a long desk occupies the other arm, allowing for a fairly big bathroom that fills the space "inside" the L. The bath is less slippery than in many hotel bathrooms. The mattress is firm and comfortable enough; and the disposable slippers are strong enough to accommodate my big Western feet. There are plenty of clothes hangers on a sensible overhead rail just beyond the foot of my bed rather than in a cramped wardrobe; the airconditioner-heater is very responsive to the wall-mounted controller next to the bed; and the electrical sockets on a long desk are well-sited for work on a laptop while sitting on the comfortably-padded chair. Overall, strongly recommended as being very good value. I will not hesitate to book a room next time I want to stay in Yokohama.

  • Kenjiro Y

    Kenjiro Y


    Location and price are the reasons you should consider this hotel. Location is so convenient. A little walk to Kannai's ghetto, a little walk to Minato Mirai (ferris wheel, mall, cup noodle museum, etc), a short train trip to Yokohama, you are in the middle of all the business lunch specials. There's so much great food choices. My gosh, please look up lunch specials in the area. Generally, look for lines at 12pm. Those are the places that offer unbelievable value. We're talking a kaisendon for 600 yen ($5.50). If you are here long term and want to stay fit, you are a block away from Gold's Gym. They offer 2 weeks for 7000 yen, etc. Hotel is on the older side. It's a business hotel after all. It's small, you'll get your rest, you can work, you can shower, go down early for their breakfast special. The mattress was the rolling mattress which squeaks a lot (yes, it squeaks a lot). I was able to hear the neighbors, but sound machine did the job. Tip - They will offer to give you a water bottle for not cleaning your room. I don't want them in my room anyways so it was free water. They want you to hand them the keys before leaving. When you come back, you just say your room number, but this made me feel very uncomfortable. Anyone dressed normally can ask for a room key. The charger didn't work. This goes for most business hotels, but it's small. I hate the bathrooms that feel like you went inside a box. Workers were always friendly and professional. This place also seems to operate as a love hotel. There's a sign in the back that says they welcome "puchi rest" which they charge you to stay for 3 hours for 2 people.

  • anon ymous

    anon ymous


    I stayed in a small single bedroom. The room was small, just enough space for me to put my luggage. I was nonetheless very satisfied with my stay in this hotel because of their superb service. The staff at the front desk were very polite and treated me like a VIP (even though I was just a normal guest) by ushering me to the lift when there were other guests blocking my way. They were very well-equipped, providing me with tools that I needed urgently. The hotel housekeepers were very efficient in cleaning the room and very trustworthy – my watch was left untouched even though I left it in my room for a whole day.

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