Yokkaichi Kasumi Post Office in Yokkaichi

JapanYokkaichi Kasumi Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒510-0017 Mie, Yokkaichi, Hazuchō, 10−1 四日市かすみ郵便局
kontakte telefon: +81 59-331-7806
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9879084, Longitude: 136.6367651

kommentare 5

  • アプロウ



    Everyone at the counter is happy to help, but the Yu-Pri Touch machine is always malfunctioning and has to be restarted every time the code is scanned. Other stations have Yu-Pri touch devices that come with a handy scanner, and this one works smoothly without any problems, so I would like them to use it.

  • トナリノトナカイ



    Don't respond the same way every time. I went to write that I wanted an envelope, but they recommended Letter Pack. I told him it was fine and asked for the address sticker I got last time, but I couldn't give it to him. Attitudes differ depending on the person.

  • 佐藤生次



    Easy access along the national highway

  • ナルけん



    Yesterday, there was an incident early in the morning and it was closed! I needed cash, and I had a hard time figuring out where to go to the next post office! For migrant workers from rural areas, it would be helpful if you could give them map information of the nearby post office if they don't know where it is!

  • ゼットン大木



    The response is very polite and wonderful! Although it is a small post office, I could see that they are working hard!

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