ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディアAkiba en Chiyoda-ku

Japónヨドバシカメラ マルチメディアAkiba



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Japan, 〒101-0028 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kanda Hanaokachō, 千代田区神田花岡町1−1
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5209-1010
sitio web: www.yodobashi.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6987131, Longitude: 139.7747612

comentarios 5

  • Thomas Andersen

    Thomas Andersen


    Crazy 9 floor shipping. Big golf shop on top, mobile phones on the bottom. A huge model building equipment section somewhere in the middle. They have everything...

  • en



    I could spend nearly an entire day here. They carry mostly electronic goods but has a floor dedicated to home goods and cosmetics. The 8th floor is their food court with 10+ restaurants serving various cuisines. You're not going to get any huge discounts on electronics here but there's definitely a vast selection of them.

  • fruitspunch



    It's mega store, store is massive and carrying varies of products in countless categories. Good selections but it's too huge and staffs not always helpful. Its hard to complete my shopping list by myself and had to gave up some due to too hard to locate. It could be one stop shop if there is more helpful shop assistants available.

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    Denny Chung


    Great place to shop for hi if equipments. Of course the large choice of audio accessories . Sales person are always busy. They help you a lot when you have questions on their products. Their hi fi demonstration room are very nice to try out different equipment. I will go back to visit here very soon. Incredible place to spend a whole day.

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    Andrey Zhiglo


    Processed negative (C-41) and reversal (E-6) 35mm film there, in spring-summer 2017. First test roll was fine. The next twelve (submitted on 2 different days) all had the first shot completely exposed in processing. Even though I discussed this with the staff when submitting the film, and they ensured me that such a phenomenon would not happen. And yes, I know how processing normally works, shot/processed >500 rolls of film.

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