伊藤歯科医院 w Matsuyama




🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-1-1 Yougohigashi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0044, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 89-974-0204
strona internetowej: ito-sika.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8157108, Longitude: 132.7370892

komentarze 5

  • 智美



    He was very helpful in suggesting areas that other dentists I've been to did not have a treatment plan. The teachers and staff are kind and reassuring.

  • E K

    E K


    We take care of your teeth regularly. This time I went to have my wisdom teeth 🦷 removed. The teacher's friendly voice makes me feel at ease, and I am treated with great care. I will continue to visit.

  • 大学生



    I had my wisdom teeth removed. When I told them that I was a little scared about having my tooth extracted, the doctor and his assistant gave me great encouragement and made me feel so at ease that I almost laughed. We also recommend that you pack medicines to help your wounds heal faster, for an additional fee. After my tooth was extracted, I received a one-of-a-kind wisdom tooth bracelet made from my own teeth. You cherish. thank you very much!

  • たま



    It's been a long time since I visited a doctor. You can feel safe receiving the doctor's treatment. I won't forget to speak to you very kindly. The dental hygienist will also explain the procedure thoroughly. I was prescribed oral medication, but the doctor had told me in advance that it would be administered, so I understood... It's the receptionist. The previous person handled it well. I wonder if it has changed? It's the one wearing pink clothes. They put the medicine in a bag and put it there without any explanation and just told me the price. The change is also left out. It's just unpleasant. It's really a shame because both of the previous receptionists were nice and of course I go to a dentist that provides thorough treatment.

  • orenge



    I went there for the first time in a few years. In the past, dental assistants explained everything about what they were going to do next, so I felt at ease during the treatment. However, this time the explanation was insufficient. Even though I checked my gums, they didn't tell me anything about the results. I don't know what I'll do next. I filled out a medical questionnaire at the time of pick-up, and there were several things I wanted cured and things I was concerned about, but I didn't know why I had filled it out. It's normal to have to wait even if you make an appointment, and some patients are sent right away when they say they're going home because they don't have time. The director remained unchanged. There's no next time.

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