逸品の店 勇菴 w Koriyama

Japonia逸品の店 勇菴



🕗 godziny otwarcia

16-2 Toramarumachi, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8014, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 24-953-8728
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.3995524, Longitude: 140.3764646

komentarze 5

  • くたくたうさぎ



    A rice restaurant in Koriyama City🥷 It's a shop with a nice appearance. A hidden shop with a gate? There is an entrance in the back. I had lunch. Both the appetizers and main dishes were delicious.

  • はっしー



    I was excited because the store felt like I had come to a hideout. I took the opportunity to order the grilled wagyu beef course🥗 They use vegetables from Nikkei Farm and are surprisingly sweet, especially the tomatoes 🍅 Both the pasta and the main dish, Wagyu beef, are absolutely delicious. Also, each dish was made with special care, so I never got tired of eating it. The restaurant was run by a couple, and although it seemed busy and busy, they were kind and friendly. This is a store I want to go to again.

  • yu



    A store I was interested in. I visited for lunch. There is a small signboard along the main street, but where do you enter? I had always wondered about this, but when I opened the small door, it became a passageway and a stylish space spread out all the way to the entrance of the store. After making a reservation, I was taken to a small private room and enjoyed a relaxing lunch with my friends! I was surprised that the mille-feuille cutlet I ordered was much bigger than I expected! It was soft, delicious, and filling. The steak bowl my friend ordered was also tender and delicious. I was also impressed with the customer service from the store ♡ I'm sure I'll come back again!




    It's a very good shop. I've only used it a few times, and the food is delicious. If you want to eat good food for your body, we recommend visiting here. We can also prepare a low-cabo menu, so please try it.

  • あゆみ



    I came to the store for the first time after hearing that it had moved! It's already beautiful from the entrance ♡ Calm and comfortable space I was really impressed with the deliciousness of the food! The whale sashimi, freshly baked stone oven pizza, pasta and meat were all delicious! Definitely a repeat purchase ^ ^

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