銀座オーラルクリニック in Chuo City




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Japan, 〒104-0061 Tokyo, Chuo City, Ginza, 1-chōme−8−17 伊勢伊ビル 4F
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3562-1971
webseite: www.62-oral.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6740809, Longitude: 139.7683253

kommentare 5

  • Tけい



    The young male teacher is so bad I tried again many times. I've been seeing a dentist for 30 years. It was the worst experience ever...

  • Curry Surf

    Curry Surf


    (Recently. I had given up on treatment for a while due to personal reasons, but due to circumstances where my false tooth came out, I have resumed it.) This is a clinic that I absolutely recommend, especially for people who are afraid of the dentist and have pain. Since it is a completely painless treatment, it will be the last resort for people with dental phobia. At least I was saved. Before I knew it, the treatment was over. However, since anesthesia is used, it will of course cost money. Anesthesia can be expensive, but they were kind enough to advise me if the treatment required anesthesia. I don't think this clinic is aimed at people who want something easy and cheap. He will explain the treatment to you in detail by taking X-rays. The teacher's personality is not overbearing, but intelligent and kind. ~~~~~~ Some people have written about the receptionist's response, but I've never been concerned about it, and even if it were, it wouldn't matter to me. This is a hospital, not a service or hospitality industry. That's not the essence of evaluation. It seems like people are misunderstanding the hospital, and yet the lowest rating is so outrageous that I decided to write this. By the way, I made a reservation over the phone two minutes before closing time, and the person who answered the call was kind and wonderful. I wonder who wrote the review that "the receptionist's response is poor"... ``I'm scared of the dentist, I feel pain, I'm scared of noises, and I've had my doctor say high-pressure things to me.'' If I have a friend who doesn't like dentists, I would definitely recommend them.

  • M



    I was deceived (this is my personal opinion). I went to the clinic because I thought it would be a good combination of insurance treatment and free painless treatment (sedatives). I looked for some clinics here to treat my cavities and want to save my nerves. Treatments that leave the nerves intact are very painful, so I was grateful that I could use sedatives, even if it cost 10,000 yen each time, and as a result, I was able to undergo the treatment without experiencing any severe pain. Later, when I went to have the same tooth maintained, I was told, ``This tooth is no longer covered by insurance, so there is no clinic that can treat it unless it is a free treatment.'' The estimate is approximately 400,000 yen. picture? There was just a small cavity visible in a healthy area. Just to be sure, I went to another clinic with a good reputation. Then, it turned out that all the nerves had been removed from the area where I had been treated while I was sleeping with painless treatment at Ginza Oral! I haven't heard it! In this new treatment, Oral says that the only treatment method is free medical treatment using sedatives + self-pay ceramic teeth, but since the nerves have been extracted at a separate clinic, there is no need for sedatives or anesthesia. and. As a result, I received sufficient treatment at another hospital for about 1,000 yen, and my teeth became whiter. That bill was also a scam, and I was lied to that I had lost my nerves, so why was I willing to pay for the painless treatment at my own expense?

  • かな



    Thank you for your urgent medical attention! Everything is done while I sleep under intravenous anesthesia, so I feel safe! Highly recommended for those with dental phobia

  • natti23jp



    When I went back a few years ago, all the people there were strangers to me. The dental assistant lady has a bad attitude. The treatment ended with my teeth being ground down and me being given painkillers.

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