医療法人社団清靖会 PFC HOSPITAL i Ōsaki

Japan医療法人社団清靖会 PFC HOSPITAL


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1-8 Furukawanakajimachō, Ōsaki, Miyagi 989-6142, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 229-22-1608
internet side: www.seisei-kai.or.jp
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Latitude: 38.566545, Longitude: 140.95655

kommentar 5

  • 雪紅葉



    There are old staff members who don't listen, make assumptions based on assumptions, and threaten people. If things get worse in the future, I will sue.

  • まろん



    I have never seen a hospital treated so badly. Apparently, the director here seems to be a dialysis doctor, and I don't think he has much understanding of psychiatry. If you really want to rely on him as a psychiatrist, it might be better to go to another hospital. This hospital will never forgive you

  • ごっしー



    There are basically no good teachers. I wasn't told which teacher would be there and when, but the times just happened to be different. Why are you here today at this time? I was told that it was because I didn't understand. And I feel a little angry Impossible

  • kawaguchi phoenix

    kawaguchi phoenix


    No reservations are required except for the first visit, and the waiting room is spacious and relaxing (I suffer from panic attacks, so a small waiting room makes me feel suffocated). Best of all, there are many teachers. If you feel that you are not a good fit with Teacher A, it is easy because you can simply go to Teacher B's day of the week.

  • kin tama

    kin tama


    It may be a hit or miss, but the doctor listens very well, and the care manager also listens empathetically.

nærmeste Hospital

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