Yasukuni Kaikan in Chiyoda-ku

JapanYasukuni Kaikan



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒102-0073 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kudankita, 3 Chome−1, 千代田区九段北3丁目1−1
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3261-8326
webseite: www.yasukuni.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6951462, Longitude: 139.7426098

kommentare 5

  • en

    HB C


    Unbelievable such place still exist! That's equivalent to Adolf Hitler's burial in Berlin! So generations of Japanese people could still worship those war criminals of ww2 as national heros, very sad place!

  • Sean Zhiyang Wang

    Sean Zhiyang Wang


    Sadly it’s really disappointing to see how the museum narrates the wars invading other countries. Many moments I stopped, thought and easily found logic issues and facts not mentioned which turn things into very different stories. Seeing invasions as glory of nation and claiming it was for protecting our beautiful homeland is terrifying. I recommend everyone to visit here, to understand how the mind behind this museum see things, and keep cautious against it. Peace is hard to keep. We should be cautious.

  • Jui Hong Teoh

    Jui Hong Teoh


    Yushukan, a large museum that commemorates Japan's wars sits right next to the Yasukuni Shrine. You’ll find WW2 Japanese fighter planes on display and on the outside models or battleships and submarines. It’s amazing to note how modern the Japanese military was during the Pacific War and how much a world superpower Japan was.

  • Tony Alexander

    Tony Alexander


    Experience Japan WW2 history.

  • František Kraus

    František Kraus


    Experience Japanese military history.

nächste Museum

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