Yasui Dental Clinic i Kameoka

JapanYasui Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

16 Kitamachi, Kameoka, Kyoto 621-0861, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 771-22-0265
internet side: yasui-dentalcl.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.0148053, Longitude: 135.5776726

kommentar 5

  • g sy

    g sy


    I called to make a reservation and was told that the place was booked for today.Okay, I'll think about making a reservation later.Excuse me. When I said that, she simply said, "Okay." It felt like a hassle and I was uncomfortable. I will never make a reservation.

  • 露


    I called a friend who told me about it, but the phone response was terrible. When I called, they couldn't even tell me what dates were available, and they only told me that they had repeated reservations. I don't know if he's busy, but if he treats you like that, he might be a good dentist, but I don't want to go there. I apologize to those I know, but I'll leave it somewhere else.

  • ゆずとうふ



    I'm going to see him for treatment of cavities, and he's very good. The patient will be given a concise explanation of the current oral environment and the details of the treatment, so the person receiving the treatment will feel at ease. The inside of the hospital was also very beautiful and had a feeling of cleanliness.

  • ジャミロクワイ



    A while ago, I came in because my false tooth came off while I was at work. The treatment uses the latest equipment, and the doctor's explanations were easy to understand and I felt at ease. The staff were also very kind and made me feel at ease.

  • ジュラ



    This is a dentist that everyone, both those who are afraid and those who suffer from pain, should definitely visit. Always kind and polite. All the staff members are also good people.

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