Yasuda in Nishinomiya




🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒662-0918 Hyogo, Nishinomiya, Rokutanjichō, 1−11 つばさビル 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 798-36-1077
webseite: www.instagram.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7383069, Longitude: 135.3439733

kommentare 5

  • ゆーーー



    I ordered it from UberEATS, but it had hair mixed in. I feel so bad. I didn't feel like eating and felt like throwing up, so I threw it away.




    2024.5.30 Night Taiwanese Mazesoba is so delicious that I stop by here whenever I have time. Today I ate the soy sauce ramen (¥750) that I was interested in, and it was delicious♪

  • 植田昌徳



    I had "Taiwan Mazesoba" (830 yen) for lunch on Sunday. As per the manual, I stirred it thoroughly, added garlic and kelp vinegar to give it a different flavor, and ended up eating it deliciously with no leftover rice.

  • ののの



    It was a very elegant Taiwanese mazesoba. The noodles are thin and not spicy, and although they give you an apron, they don't fly when you mix them in a deep bowl.You can adjust the garlic by yourself on the table, so I thought I could eat it even during my lunch break at work. I was impressed by how friendly the female clerk was. There was a queue after 12 o'clock, but since the products are delivered quickly, the wait time doesn't seem to be that long.

  • Tatsuya Yabuuchi

    Tatsuya Yabuuchi


    I ordered a large bowl of Taiwanese mazesoba (with side rice). It tastes like The Stamina Meal, and has just the right amount of spiciness to whet your appetite. As the in-store guide says, it is recommended to start as is, add garlic to taste, and then add kelp vinegar to give it a mellow taste. I think students will appreciate that this volume costs less than 1,000 yen. The exterior of the restaurant is sophisticated and elegant, but there is a nice gap between it and the taste of ordinary people. One thing I was a little concerned about was that there were no towels (self-service? I didn't notice it).

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