Yashima General Hospital en Takamatsu

JapónYashima General Hospital



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2105-17 Yashima Nishimachi, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0113, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 87-841-9141
sitio web: www.yashima-hp.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3434295, Longitude: 134.0905427

comentarios 5

  • あーぷん



    I have worked with obstetrics and gynecology and internal medicine. Normally, every time I call a hospital because I'm not feeling well, I get nervous and have palpitations, but the office staff at both the obstetrics and gynecology and internal medicine departments are very kind and talk to me in a gentle tone, so I feel at ease. You can speak calmly and calmly. Most of the doctors and nurses are friendly and kind, so I trust them very much.

  • ぽんぽん



    A relative of mine was hospitalized for about a month with a broken bone. I rented hospital pajamas, but they only changed them once a week. I asked the nurse if I wanted to change my clothes, but she did. In the end, he was treated as having dementia. I think working in a hospital is hard work, but it's my job and I pay for my pajamas every day, so I want it properly. It seems that the person serving the meal also placed it on the desk as if throwing it. I thought it was a little better now that it was in a new building, but the orthopedic surgeon is very good, so it's a shame that the quality of the staff is so low. I hope it will be improved in the future.

  • みやこやみ



    I was admitted to the internal medicine department. The internal medicine doctor looked after me carefully, and all the nurses were kind and polite. They also took care to change the IV drip while I was sleeping so as not to wake me up. Regular medical examinations are quick and thorough, and as someone who lives nearby, I'm very grateful to have such a large and good hospital.

  • 南川島



    The attitude of the woman at the reception is very bad. When dealing with elderly people, I feel that my tone is a little harsh. The look in his eyes is also scary. It hurts my heart every time I see it. This is an important entrance to the hospital, and I have always wondered if it should be treated as a problem and improved.

  • Keigo Tada

    Keigo Tada


    I went there for a holiday medical treatment. It's very crowded. There was a line outside the pharmacy across the street. The hospital is beautiful.

El hospital más cercano

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