YAOHAN Iwafune Store w Tochigi

JaponiaYAOHAN Iwafune Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒329-4308 Tochigi, Iwafune, 大字下 津原167
kontakt telefon: +81 282-54-3603
strona internetowej: liondor.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.3180873, Longitude: 139.6513314

komentarze 5

  • yasuyuki hinata w

    yasuyuki hinata w


    Around 18:00, products are running low. What time will the discount start? If the timing is right, you might be able to buy it cheaply.

  • M H

    M H


    The cashier lady's response is not good. There are no customers at all.

  • 鑫#イ言θ月



    I wanted to try Yaohan, a local supermarket in Tochigi Prefecture, so I went to the nearest Iwafune store. The building is old and the interior is deserted. The users are mostly local elderly people. Although the sales area is small at 2:00 pm, the selection of bento boxes is quite good. There are unusual bentos such as beef tongue bento and crab ball flavored rice bowl. The 520 yen sauce cutlet bowl and the 520 yen sauce cutlet bowl that I purchased had decent taste and quantity. I felt it was about 200 yen more expensive than other supermarkets. However, it is good that they have corn cream croquettes.

  • Atsushi Yoshimi

    Atsushi Yoshimi


    When the cashier is busy, I think it would be better to call someone and ask them to come to you so customers won't have to wait. (´・ω・`)

  • もょもと



    Perhaps the cashier was a novice, so the front was jammed. I was second in line, but there was another cash register open and someone said, "Please come here," so I tried to go there, but the person behind me went to that register first. The clerk didn't pay any particular attention to it either, and just ran the cash register. Maybe we knew each other, but we were talking to each other both during and after the cash register, which made me feel uncomfortable. Isn't it normal to give priority to the person at the front of the line when opening the cash register?

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